Inspiration Laboratories and have been trying to hangout more and share some of our coolest science activity ideas. We were joined last week by Megan from Coffee Cups and Crayons and Penny from Wildlife Fun 4 Kids for some fun Halloween Science.
My 3-year-old and I shared a cool candy potion. I don’t have any photos, unfortunately, but it was very simple, and drinkable ( although maybe quite sugary )
What you need
- A bowl
- Spoon
- Juice – we used purple grape
- Popping candy
- Pour some juice into your witchy bowl.
- Try the popping candy first and talk about how it feels.
- Add some popping candy to the bowl and listen for the fizz and pops.
Why does this happen?
Popping candy is made by heating the ingredients and then exposing them to carbon dioxide ( a gas ) at very high pressures before allowing them to cool. Tiny bubbles of gas are trapped in the popping candy.
When you put the candy in your mouth, saliva breaks it down and releases the carbon dioxide, which makes a popping sound.
The juice acted like saliva to break down the candy and release the bubbles.
Other potion ideas.
Another cool potion idea is to make a muddy, messy potion and add some baking soda and vinegar to get some eruptions. This one would NOT be drinkable.
Trisha from Inspiration Laboratories made very cool candy bugs.
Megan from Coffee Cups and Crayons showed us how to make the letters from M&M’s and Skittles float. Check out her M&M experiment here.
Last Updated on October 23, 2023 by Emma Vanstone
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