These umbrellas for Incy Wincy ( Itsy bitsy ) Spider are a great Incy Wincy Spider Experiment, fantastic fun and a wonderful way to introduce the concept of materials having different properties to kids.
If you’re in the middle of a materials topic I’ve got lots more fun ideas for learning about properties of materials, so do go and have a look around. My favourite is the make a superhero float activity.

Incy Wincy Spider Experiment
The idea is to create umbrellas made from different materials for Incy Wincy Spider to find out which is the most waterproof.
As we worked through the experiment we talked about making it “fair” which I always try to mention when we do an activity as it’s so important for designing experiments correctly.
What you need for Incy Wincy Umbrellas
Plastic spiders
Materials to test – foil, felt, paper, plastic
Pipe cleaners
Water sprayer
Build your umbrellas using pipe cleaners and tie them around the spiders. Use the same size umbrella for each spider.
Talk about each material and make predictions as to what will happen, drawing on past experience and uses of each material. For example, would we wrap food in foil if it wasn’t waterproof?
Spray each umbrella from the top. Use the same number of sprays for each.
Observe the differences between the umbrellas.
Incy Wincy Spider Experiment Results
We found that the water stayed on top of the foil and was absorbed by the felt and paper.
We could pour water off the top of the foil, which showed it was waterproof.
The paper was the weakest material as it tore when wet.

Extension Ideas
Test more/different materials.
Design and build a shelter for Incy Wincy instead.
Try our other Incy Wincy Spider activity ideas.
We’ve also got an extensive selection of experiments for Early Years to fit lots of themes!

Links to English
Can you write a new rhyme where Incy Wincy has an umbrella?
Can you write instructions so a friend can build the same umbrella?
Suitable for Key Stage 1 Science
Everyday Materials
Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials
Working Scientifically
Observing closely, using simple equipment
Performing simple tests
Using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
EYFS – Early Learning Goal
The child knows about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things.

Last Updated on May 23, 2024 by Emma Vanstone
Loved this and am using it for an end of term lesson – thank you.