If you’re not a fan of Halloween or need some inspiration for using up leftover pumpkins, we’ve got some fun ideas to help you out!
Fun things to do with leftover pumpkins
Make a fizzy pumpkin
Add baking soda, dish soap ( washing up liquid ), food colouring and water to the middle of a mini pumpkin and then pour vinegar over the top for a fun, fizzy mess.

Weigh and measure pumpkins
Weigh and measure pumpkins or make a veggie monster creation.
Turn it into a sensory activity
Create a pumpkin themed sensory activity, or gross guessing game by filling your hollowed-out pumpkins with jello or slimy spaghetti.

If you don’t want to carve a leftover pumpkin, try one of these fantastic no carve pumpkin ideas from Crafty Morning. A Christmas-themed pumpkin is another unusual idea.
Try this deliciously gooey pumpkin oobleck like Inspiration Laboratories.
Use the pumpkins for learning with this gorgeous activity from The Imagination Tree.
It’s never too late to make a pumpkin lava lamp! Although this won’t help you use up leftover pumpkins.

Hello Wonderful has the most amazing elephant toothpaste pumpkin.
Another non-edible pumpkin idea is these easy pumpkin homemade optical illusions
Finally, if you’d like to grow your own pumpkin for next year, Rainy Day Mum has some easy-to-follow instructions.
One particularly gross idea is to place your pumpkin out of reach from other people and check on it each day as it rots away.

Can you think of any more ways to use up leftover pumpkins?

Last Updated on October 2, 2024 by Emma Vanstone
Great ideas. Never wasting anything 😉